He was one of those kittens that everyone commented on more than the others. "I love the black and white one," they would say. Four years later he is still a popular fellow and his is the first name anyone will call when they want a cat for company. He's a gentle sort with a petit meow and this afternoon he is lying on the garden wall soaking up the November sunshine. I am very tempted to follow his example!
Showing off his handsome coat, autumn suits Archie well. The only trouble is of course, is that after a wander through the fields and the hedgerows, he comes back home looking like a mobile compost heap. There are leaves, seed pods, grass, all sorts of things tangled up in his fur and I have to dig out the brush. He doesn't mind this; naturally who wouldn't enjoy being brushed and pampered, but he has a limited attention span. Before I can finish tidying him up he's off again, a leaf or two still stuck to his tail.
Those people who know me will say that wherever I am, Archie is never far away. His existence in my life was another stepping stone towards writing the book, The True Story of a Not So Crazy Cat Lady, and so I had to squeeze in his name somewhere. And so... QUIZ TIME!
QUESTION; Which character in The True Story of a Not So Crazy Cat Lady had a cat called Archie?
If you don't know then it's not too late to find out!
The True Story of a Not So Crazy Cat Lady is available in paperback and eBook now.
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